Sunrise & Valley of the Winds Walk Tour 日出风之谷徒步之旅

Fra AUD A$ 210,00
  • Varighet: 3 Timer (ca.)
  • Lokasjon: Yulara, NT
  • Produktkode: AY04


  • 卡塔丘塔日出
从酒店出发,乘车跟随导游前往乌鲁鲁卡塔丘塔国家公园,抵达观景台欣赏卡塔丘塔日出, 在享用我们为您精心准备的热茶、咖啡和精美小食后,走上观景台远眺卡塔丘塔全景,日出的光芒照射在36个圆顶组成的岩石群,绚丽夺目。

  • 风之谷徒步
之后走进卡塔丘塔,徒步风之谷。卡塔丘塔(Kata Tjuta)是当地原住民阿南古人(Anangu)文化中最为神圣的巨石阵,在形成初期发生断裂,经过数亿年风化,裂缝形成多个峡谷,其中风之谷属最著名的徒步线路,全程7.4KM,徒步约3-3.5小时。在卡塔丘塔巨石阵内,沿着神秘的小道进入峡谷深处,沿途欣赏红色的悬崖绝壁,湛蓝的天空,奇异的植物,行走在风之谷,您仿佛进入了另一个世界。途经第一道观景台Karu(往返2.2公里,1小时),您可根据自身体力折返到车上休息或继续跟随导游徒步到第二道观景台Karingana(往返5.4公里,2.5小时), 途中导游会为您讲解卡塔丘塔的地质成因,历史以及妙趣横生的原住民阿南古男人的故事,之后继续穿行在卡塔丘塔的山谷中,沿着环形步道返回停车场(往返7.4公里,3-3.5小时)结束后返回度假村。

备注:National Park Pass-Please bring your National Park Pass before boarding our bus. The Parkpass can be purchased via 我们价格不包含国家公园门票,请在上车前买好门票, 可以点击国家公园网站 购买, 门票是三日有效的。





The tour starts at the sunrise viewing area at Kata Tjuta. Enjoy tea and coffee with biscuits as you take in the amazing sight of an outback surise at Kata Tjuta. Watch the domes change color in the fading light as the sun rise behind the horizon.   

Valley of the Winds is a famous trekking route. It is about 8 km long for about 3-4 hours walk. Travelling through the sacred domes of Anangu People, inspired by the surprising  red cliffs, blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of exotic plants, rocks and hopping Kangaroo luckily as if you have entered another world, so mysterious and exciting.

**This is the Mandarin speaking tour, if you cannot speak Mandarin, we have English Audio Guide at extra cost of $39 per person per day.