Day/Night Tour - WITH DINNER

- Dauer: 9 Stunden (ca.)
- Produkt-Code: EPARON2
Day/Night Tour: Paronella Park, Mamu Tropical Skywalk, Native Wildlife, Waterfalls and Rainforest
The World Heritage Listed rainforests of Tropical North Queensland are over 180 million years old – the oldest in the world. Our experienced guides will introduce you to this fragile, unique and unimaginably beautiful natural wonderland during the day, from the Mamu Tropical Skywalk’s 37m high viewing tower.
The climax of this tour is our time spent at the winner of RACQ 150 Must Do’s in Queensland, Paronella Park. Here, the nostalgic Spanish-style buildings, nestled in the lush rainforest ignite the imagination and inspire dreams. The only way to fully appreciate this breathtakingly landscaped Park is in the afternoon as the sun sets, then to return after a mouth-watering meal at the nearby Mena Creek Hotel for the “Darkness Falls” illuminated castles and waterfalls tour.
Your experience extends after nightfall, pretty much guaranteeing we’ll spotlight some cuddly, nocturnal wallabies and on clear nights, the star gazing is truly breathtaking!
Other highlights of this delightful experience include visiting Josephine Falls, ranked amongst the most magnificent in the region for a chance to cool off or simply enjoy the magical symphony of sound produced by the dynamic water flow.
- WE depart at 12:30pm! You can have a relaxed morning, or take part in one of the many morning activities Cairns has to offer such as ½ day Green Island trip, Hot-Air Ballooning, Horse Riding, Skydiving, Bungy Jumping or a shopping spree.
- Full appreciation of World Heritage Listed Tropical Rainforest, day & night.
- The stroll along the Mamu Tropical Skywalk, ends with 37m tall Rainforest viewing tower. Tallest in North Queensland!
- 2 Waterfalls included in top 5 most beautiful in the region (See one of these “lit-up” at night)
- Appreciate award winning Paronella Park both at sunset, then illuminated right after dark
- Choice of 5 delicious meals for dinner at Mena Creek Hotel or a picnic at Paronella Park (Tour Option 2 only)
When can I go?
Tours depart at 12:30PM, Tuesday to Saturday and return by 9pm, not too late to wake up for early morning reef trips, flights or to enjoy Cairns’ unique night-life including the must-see Night Market!
What’s Included?
- Entry to 2 Parks, Paronella Park and Mamu Tropical Skywalk
- Small, personalised & fully guided transfers
- Option 2 includes dinner in picturesque scenery at Mena Creek Hotel
- Guided waterfalls/rainforest excursion with chance to cool off in the natural swimming hole
- Wildlife spotlighting and Stargazing
- 12:30 Departs from Cairns
- 13:30 Arrives Josephine Falls
- 15:20 Arrives Mamu Tropical Skywalk
- 17:00 Arrives Paronella Park
- 17:30 Dinner at Mena Creek Hotel (for option 2 (with dinner) customer only, for option 1 customer, it will be free time in Paronella Park)
- 18:15 Darkness Falls Tour begins at Paronella Park
- 19:30 Departs from Paronella Park
- 20:30 Wallaby spotting
- 21:00 Back to Cairns City
What to bring
- Hat & comfortable clothing
- Shoes that are comfortable to walk in
- Sunscreen is advised
- Swim wear and towel for those who wish to have a swim
- Umbrella or raincoat if rain is forecast
- Cash or credit card for souvenirs and extra meals/drinks purchase
- Warm clothes in winter
- Camera for taking beautiful scenery!
帕羅尼拉公園日夜一天遊 (中/英文團) (下午12:30出发 / 晚上21:00返回)
行程亮點- 帕羅尼拉公園被票選為昆士蘭必到景點第一位!
- 日本動畫大師宮崎駿製作「天空之城」的靈感泉源
- 凱恩斯唯一常規團能夠於一天以觀賞白天和晚上的天空之城,絕對值回票價!
- 乘坐舒適豪華旅遊巴,豐富經驗的當地導遊領團,保證你有一趟難忘之旅
- 於瑪姆雨林天空步道和帕羅尼拉公園均提供中/英/日導覽
- 於北昆士蘭最美麗的瀑布之一–約瑟芬瀑布暢泳
- 參加此團的遊客可以選擇早上參加跳傘極限活動組合, 用最短的時間玩盡凱恩斯必玩行程!
- 12:30 從凱恩斯酒店接過旅客後出發, 沿途觀賞全昆士蘭最高的山。
- 13:30 到達約瑟芬瀑布,旅客可於雨林散步或於瀑布中暢泳,並享用我們為你準備的熱帶水果拼盤。
- 15:20 到達瑪姆雨林天空步道,一登北昆士蘭最高觀景台。備有中文語音導覽了解這片古老雨林。
- 17:00 到達帕羅尼拉公園,在導遊帶領下前往園區參觀
- 17:30 前往晚餐地點美納溪畔酒店,享用一頓澳式風味晚餐(五選一) / 如欲留在公園自由活動,可選野餐盒作晚餐。
- 18:15 返回帕羅尼拉公園,參加一小時的公園夜間導覽,了解公園故事,欣賞晚上特別的點燈儀式。
- 20:30 由司機導遊帶領下尋找野生小袋鼠和觀星(天氣許可)
- 21:30 到達市區,送旅客返回酒店
- 酒店接送限於市區內,如遊客住在北部海灘,可以多加每人$30提供接送服務(每組附加費用最高$90)
- 出團日期星期二到星期六,星期日和星期一不開團
- 12月25日不開團
- 巴士上為英語導覽,但到達帕羅尼拉公園和瑪姆雨林天空步道均設有中文導覽
- 建議穿著步行鞋
- 自備防曬乳、戴帽子、和穿著舒適輕便服
- 請帶備游泳衣和毛巾(如欲游泳的旅客適用)
- 雨傘或雨衣 (如天氣預報當天為下雨天)
- 小額現金和信用卡以便當天購買紀念品和小吃
- 外套(適用於冬天)
- 相機 (你會拍到很多很多很美的照片!)